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AVD编号 漏洞名称 漏洞类型 披露时间 漏洞状态
AVD-2012-2059 Steve Lockwood ticketyboo News Ticker 跨站脚本攻击 2012-09-18
AVD-2012-2060 Nijskens Raf Admintools 跨站脚本攻击 2012-09-18
AVD-2012-2061 Nijskens Raf Admintools 跨站点请求伪造漏洞 2012-09-18
AVD-2012-2062 Drupal Redirecting click bouncer模块重定向漏洞 2012-09-18
AVD-2012-1648 Danielb Cool Aid up to 6.x-1.6 跨站脚本攻击 2012-09-10
AVD-2012-1649 Drupal Cool aid模块访问安全绕过漏洞 2012-09-10
AVD-2012-2069 Drupal ‘Wishlist’ 跨站请求伪造漏洞 2012-09-07
AVD-2012-2063 Drupal Slidebox模块安全绕过漏洞 2012-09-05
AVD-2012-2064 Mark Theunissen Views Lang Switch up to 7.x-1.0 跨站脚本攻击 2012-09-05
AVD-2012-2065 Freso Languageicons 6.x-2.0/6.x-2.1/6.x-2.x/7.x-1.0/7.x-1.x 跨站脚本攻击 2012-09-05
AVD-2012-2066 CKeditor up to 7.x-1.x 跨站脚本攻击 2012-09-05
AVD-2012-2067 Drupal CKEditor模块任意代码执行漏洞 2012-09-05
AVD-2012-2068 Tiger-fish Fancy Slide up to 6.x-2.4 跨站脚本攻击 2012-09-05
AVD-2012-2083 Fusiondrupalthemes fusion 6.x-1.0/6.x-1.1/6.x-1.12 fusion_core_preprocess_page 跨站脚本攻击 2012-09-01
AVD-2012-2116 Drupal Commerce Reorder模块跨站请求伪造漏洞 2012-09-01
AVD-2012-2117 Yaniv Aran-shamir Gigya .x-3.0/6.x-3.0/6.x-3.1/6.x-3.x 跨站脚本攻击 2012-09-01
AVD-2012-2704 Drupal Advertisement模块信息泄露漏洞 2012-09-01
AVD-2012-1635 Rik De Boer revisioning 7.x-1.0/7.x-1.1/7.x-1.2/7.x-1.x Access Restriction hook_node_access 访问控制漏洞 2012-08-29
AVD-2012-1641 Drupal Finder模块权限许可和访问控制漏洞 2012-08-29
AVD-2012-1642 Drupal Link Checker模块安全绕过漏洞 2012-08-29
AVD-2012-1643 Drupal Faster Permissions模块访问安全绕过漏洞 2012-08-29
AVD-2012-1644 Drupal OG Vocabulary模块权限许可和访问控制漏洞 2012-08-29
AVD-2012-1645 Drupal CDN模块信息泄露漏洞 2012-08-29
AVD-2012-1647 MediaFront up to 6.x-1.x 跨站脚本攻击 2012-08-29
AVD-2012-1650 Drupal ZipCart模块权限许可和访问控制漏洞 2012-08-29
AVD-2012-2297 creativecommons 跨站脚本漏洞 2012-08-27
AVD-2012-2070 Andrew Levine MultiBlock up to 7.x-1.x 跨站脚本攻击 2012-08-15
AVD-2012-2071 Geoff Davies Contact Forms 至 6.x-1.x Contact Form 跨站点脚本漏洞 2012-08-15
AVD-2012-2072 Patrick Przybilla AddToAny 6.x-3.0/6.x-3.1/6.x-3.2/6.x-3.3/6.x-3.x 跨站脚本攻击 2012-08-15
AVD-2012-2073 bundle_copy 代码执行漏洞 2012-08-15
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