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AVD编号 漏洞名称 漏洞类型 披露时间 漏洞状态
AVD-2015-7974 NTP存在未明漏洞 2016-01-27
AVD-2015-5196 ** REJECT ** 2015-10-24
AVD-2014-9297 ** REJECT ** 2015-10-06
AVD-2014-9298 ** REJECT ** 2015-10-06
AVD-2014-9750 ntp up to 4.2.7 ntpd ntp_crypto.c 输入验证漏洞 2015-10-06
AVD-2014-9751 NTP ntpd代码注入漏洞 2015-10-06
AVD-2015-1798 NTP MAC欺骗漏洞 2015-04-08
AVD-2015-1799 ntpd up to 4.2.8 Symmetric Mode 拒绝服务漏洞 2015-04-08
AVD-2014-9293 NTP config_auth不正确生成密钥漏洞 2014-12-20
AVD-2014-9294 ntpd PRNG弱加密漏洞 2014-12-20
AVD-2014-9295 NTP ntpd存在多个栈缓冲区溢出漏洞 2014-12-20
AVD-2014-9296 Oracle Communications Policy Management up to 9.7.3/9.9.1/10.4.1/12.1.1 NTP 拒绝服务漏洞 2014-12-20
AVD-2013-5211 NTP Project ntpd 4.2.6 monlist Functionality ntp_request.c query 拒绝服务漏洞 2014-01-03
AVD-2009-3563 Sun Solaris NTP Mode 7 Request 拒绝服务漏洞 2009-12-10
AVD-2009-1252 NTP 'ntpd' Autokey 栈缓冲区溢出漏洞 2009-05-20
AVD-2009-0159 ntp 至 4.2.4p7 ntpq/ntpq.c cookedprint 内存破坏漏洞 2009-04-15
AVD-2009-0021 NTP 至 4.2.4p4 EVP_VerifyFinal 身份验证不当漏洞 2009-01-08
AVD-2005-2496 NTPD 不安全权限漏洞 2005-09-03
AVD-2004-0657 NTP CVE-2004-0657 Remote Security Vulnerability 2004-08-06
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