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AVD编号 漏洞名称 漏洞类型 披露时间 漏洞状态
AVD-2013-1782 Devsaran Responsive Blog up to 7.x-1.3 跨站脚本攻击 2013-03-28
AVD-2013-1781 Devsaran Professional theme up to 7.x-1.0 跨站脚本攻击 2013-03-28
AVD-2013-1780 Devsaran Best Responsive 跨站脚本攻击 2013-03-28
AVD-2013-0227 Mathijs Koenraadt Search API Sorts up to 7.x-1.0 跨站脚本攻击 2013-03-20
AVD-2013-0225 User Relationships prior 6.x-1.0 跨站脚本攻击 2013-03-20
AVD-2013-0224 video 代码执行漏洞 2013-03-20
AVD-2013-0207 mark_complete 跨站请求伪造漏洞 2013-03-20
AVD-2013-0206 live_css 代码执行漏洞 2013-03-20
AVD-2013-0205 restws 跨站请求伪造漏洞 2013-03-20
AVD-2012-5655 Steven Jones Context 6.x-3.0/6.x-3.x/7.x-3.0/7.x-3.x 访问控制漏洞 2013-01-03
AVD-2012-5654 nodewords 信息泄露漏洞 2013-01-03
AVD-2012-5653 Drupal up to 7.x-dev File Upload 跨站脚本攻击 2013-01-03
AVD-2012-5652 drupal 信息泄露漏洞 2013-01-03
AVD-2012-5651 drupal 信息泄露漏洞 2013-01-03
AVD-2012-5591 Catalin Florian Radut Zeropoint up to 7.x-1.x 跨站脚本攻击 2012-12-27
AVD-2012-5590 Scripthead Webmail Plus SQL注入 2012-12-27
AVD-2012-5589 Drupal Multi-Language Link/Redirect (MultiLink)模块访问绕过漏洞 2012-12-27
AVD-2012-5588 Drupal Email Field模块访问绕过漏洞 2012-12-27
AVD-2012-5587 Epiqo Email 6.x-1.0/6.x-1.1/6.x-1.2/6.x-1.x 跨站脚本攻击 2012-12-27
AVD-2012-5586 Drupal Services模块信息泄露漏洞 2012-12-27
AVD-2012-5585 Mixpanel 6.x-1.0/6.x-1.x Administration Page 跨站脚本攻击 2012-12-27
AVD-2012-5584 Drupal Table of Contents模块安全漏洞 2012-12-27
AVD-2012-5550 Carlos Carvalhar Time Spent 6.x-2.x SQL注入 2012-12-04
AVD-2012-5537 Drupal Simplenews Scheduler模块PHP代码注入漏洞 2012-12-04
AVD-2012-5538 Nathan Haug FileField Sources up to 7.x-1.4 跨站脚本攻击 2012-12-04
AVD-2012-5539 Drupal Organic Groups模块安全漏洞 2012-12-04
AVD-2012-5540 Tekritisoftware Hostip 6.x-2.0/6.x-2.1/7.x-2.0/7.x-2.1 跨站脚本攻击 2012-12-04
AVD-2012-5541 Twitter Pull 跨站脚本攻击 2012-12-04
AVD-2012-5542 Drupal Commerce extra panes模块跨站请求伪造漏洞 2012-12-04
AVD-2012-5552 Drupal Password Policy模块密码哈希值信息泄露漏洞 2012-12-04
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