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AVD编号 漏洞名称 漏洞类型 披露时间 漏洞状态
AVD-2015-7501 Apache Commons Collections <= 3.2.1 反序列化漏洞 2017-11-10
AVD-2016-5401 Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite跨站请求伪造漏洞 2017-04-21
AVD-2016-4999 Dashbuilder up to 0.5.x DefaultDialect.java SQL注入 2016-08-06
AVD-2015-0250 Apache Batik 至 1.6 拒绝服务漏洞 2015-03-25
AVD-2014-0005 PicketBox JBossSX任意文件执行漏洞 2015-02-21
AVD-2014-3518 Red Hat JBoss Remoting任意代码执行漏洞 2014-07-23
AVD-2013-6468 Red Hat JBoss Drools MVEL / Drools表达式处理远程代码执行漏洞 2014-04-11
AVD-2011-4610 Red Hat JBoss 5.1/5.1.0/5.1.2 Web Surrogate Pair Character 拒绝服务漏洞 2014-02-11
AVD-2013-2186 Apache Commons FileUpload 'DiskFileItem'类空字节任意文件写漏洞 2013-10-29
AVD-2013-4210 Red Hat Remoting for SOA Platform 5.1.9 Service org.jboss.remoting.transport.socket.ServerThread 拒绝服务漏洞 2013-10-02
AVD-2011-1483 HP Network Node Manager I 9.03 Enterprise Portal Platform 拒绝服务漏洞 2013-07-30
AVD-2013-2165 JBoss RichFaces EL表达式注入 安全漏洞 2013-07-24
AVD-2012-3370 Red Hat JBoss Enterprise up to 5.1.9 SecurityAssociation.getCredential 访问控制漏洞 2013-02-06
AVD-2012-5478 JBoss Enterprise Application Platform安全绕过漏洞(CNVD-2013-00638) 2013-02-06
AVD-2012-3369 JBoss Enterprise Application Platform CallerIdentityLoginModule安全绕过漏洞 2013-02-06
AVD-2012-0874 JBoss Enterprise Application Platform存在多个安全绕过漏洞 2013-02-06
AVD-2012-0034 JBoss Cache 'NonManagedConnectionFactory.java'本地信息泄露漏洞 2013-02-06
AVD-2011-4575 Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform up to 5.1.9 JMX Console SecurityAssociation.getCredential Eingabe 跨站脚本攻击 2013-02-06
AVD-2012-2377 JBoss Enterprise BRMS Platform JGroups Diagnostics Service信息泄露漏洞 2012-11-24
AVD-2012-1167 JBoss Enterprise Application Platform/JBoss Enterprise Web Platform安全绕过漏洞 2012-11-24
AVD-2011-4605 JBoss Enterprise Application Platform安全绕过漏洞 2012-11-24
AVD-2011-4085 JBoss Enterprise SOA平台Servlet调用器验证绕过漏洞 2012-11-24
AVD-2011-2908 JBoss Enterprise Application Platform跨站请求伪造漏洞 2012-11-24
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