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AVD编号 漏洞名称 漏洞类型 披露时间 漏洞状态
AVD-2024-27265 IBM Integration Bus for z/OS 跨站点请求伪造 (CVE-2024-27265) 2024-02-22
AVD-2024-22332 IBM Integration Bus for z/OS 拒绝服务 (CVE-2024-22332) 2024-02-09
AVD-2023-45176 IBM App Connect Enterprise 和 IBM Integration Bus 拒绝服务 (CVE-2023-45176) 2023-10-15
AVD-2018-1801 integration_bus 漏洞 2019-02-05
AVD-2017-1418 IBM Integration Bus 访问权限安全漏洞 2018-11-27
AVD-2017-1693 IBM Integration Bus会话劫持漏洞 2018-01-20
AVD-2017-1694 IBM Integration Bus信息泄露漏洞(CNVD-2017-37859) 2017-12-21
AVD-2017-1126 IBM Integration Bus and WebSphere Message Broker信息泄露漏洞 2017-10-04
AVD-2017-1144 IBM Integration Bus and WebSphere Message Broker拒绝服务漏洞 2017-07-06
AVD-2017-1207 IBM Integration Bus信息泄露漏洞(CNVD-2017-22088) 2017-07-06
AVD-2016-9706 IBM Integration Bus和WebSphere Message Broker XML外部实体注入漏洞 2017-02-16
AVD-2016-9010 IBM WebSphere Message Broker点击劫持漏洞 2017-02-16
AVD-2016-8918 IBM Integration Bus未授权访问漏洞 2017-02-02
AVD-2016-0394 IBM Integration Bus和WebSphere Message Broker本地安全绕过漏洞 2017-02-02
AVD-2016-2961 IBM Integration Bus HTTP请求漏洞 2016-07-03
AVD-2015-7399 IBM WebSphere Message Broker信息泄露漏洞 2016-01-12
AVD-2015-5011 IBM WebSphere Message Broker操作系统命令注入漏洞 2015-10-26
AVD-2015-2018 IBM Websphere Message Broker和Integration Bus敏感信息泄露漏洞 2015-08-24
AVD-2015-0118 IBM WebSphere Message Broker Toolkit和IBM Integration Toolkit信息泄露漏洞 2015-06-29
AVD-2014-6170 IBM WebSphere Message Broker和IBM Integration Bus信息泄露漏洞 2015-02-02
AVD-2014-4819 IBM Websphere Message Broker and Integration Bus信息泄露漏洞 2014-09-18
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