
« 上一页 第 1 页 / 1 页 • 总计 27 条记录 下一页 »
AVD编号 漏洞名称 漏洞类型 披露时间 漏洞状态
AVD-2006-20001 CVE-2006-20001:Apache HTTP服务器:mod_dav越界读取或写入零字节 2023-01-17
AVD-2016-4975 Apache HTTP Server响应拆分漏洞(CNVD-2018-15542) 2018-08-15
AVD-2017-15715 Apache Httpd 解析漏洞 2018-03-27
AVD-2017-1571 IBM DB2和DB2 Connect Server信息泄露漏洞 2018-03-23
AVD-2017-9798 Oracle Secure Global Desktop 5.3 Web Server 内存错误引用漏洞 2017-09-19
AVD-2016-0736 Apple macOS up to 10.12.3 Apache 拒绝服务漏洞 2017-07-28
AVD-2016-2161 Apple macOS up to 10.13.1 apache 拒绝服务漏洞 2017-07-28
AVD-2016-8743 Apple macOS up to 10.13.1 apache 拒绝服务漏洞 2017-07-28
AVD-2017-7659 mod_http2 2.4.24/2.4.25 HTTP2 Request NULL Pointer Dereference 拒绝服务漏洞 2017-07-27
AVD-2017-9789 Apache httpd 'mod_http2'拒绝服务漏洞 2017-07-14
AVD-2017-9788 Apple macOS up to 10.13.1 apache 拒绝服务漏洞 2017-07-14
AVD-2017-7668 Modsquitto schema-based ACL 绕过漏洞 2017-06-20
AVD-2017-3169 Apache HTTP Server up to 2.2.32/2.4.25 mod_ssl ap_hook_process_connection() 拒绝服务漏洞 2017-06-20
AVD-2017-3167 Apache httpd身份验证绕过漏洞 2017-06-20
AVD-2017-7679 Apache HTTP Server < 2.2.32/2.4.25 mod_mime缓冲区溢出漏洞 2017-06-20
AVD-2016-8740 Apple macOS up to 10.13.1 apache 拒绝服务漏洞 2016-12-06
AVD-2016-5387 Apple macOS up to 10.12.3 Apache 拒绝服务漏洞 2016-07-19
AVD-2015-3183 Oracle Secure Global Desktop 4.63/4.71/5.2 Apache HTTP Server 输入验证漏洞 2015-07-21
AVD-2014-0231 Apple MacOS X up to 10.10.2 Apache 拒绝服务漏洞 2014-07-21
AVD-2014-0226 Apache HTTP Server 'mod_status'远程执行代码漏洞 2014-07-21
AVD-2014-0118 Apache HTTP Server up to 2.4.9 mod_deflate Memory Consumption 拒绝服务漏洞 2014-07-21
AVD-2013-5705 ModSecurity块扩展处理程序modsecurity_tx_init()权限提升漏洞 2014-04-15
AVD-2014-0098 Apache HTTP Server 2.4.7 mod_log_config.c log_cookie 输入验证漏洞 2014-03-18
AVD-2013-6438 Apple MacOS X up to 10.10.2 Apache 拒绝服务漏洞 2014-03-18
AVD-2012-0021 Apache HTTP Server up to 2.2.21 Threaded MPM 拒绝服务漏洞 2012-01-28
AVD-2010-0425 Win32 - Write-to-file Shellcode (278 bytes) 2010-03-06
AVD-2009-2699 Oracle HTTP Server Web Listener 拒绝服务漏洞 2009-10-13
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